Membaca 4 notes milik pak Ari Perdana dan comments dari temen2 beliau tentang gambaran perjuangan mahasiswa tahun 1998 era reformasi sambil sesekali bercermin akan diri saya sendiri dan mungkin teman2 di sekitar saya, 1 hal yang saya pikirkan "apa yang sudah saya lakukan ketika saya seumur mereka saat masa itu?". Cukup membuat merinding dan terkagum-kagum sendiri bagaimana senior-senior kala itu punya perjuangan hebat yang mereka upayakan dan mereka tau persis apa yang mereka perjuangkan hingga layak berkorban.
Mei 1998, saya hanya anak bocah berumur 10 tahun yang sangat kesal karena perayaan ulang tahunnya di bulan itu tidak bisa dirayakan di restoran tempat kami sekeluarga biasa makan. Kata papa saat itu " kita gak bisa keluar, lagi rusuh! ntar mobil kita dibakar". terus terang saya gak begitu mengerti kondisi apa yang terjadi saat itu, memang di Tv terlihat semuanya sangat ramai diluar sana, dan yang saya tahu sebuah toko swalayan kecil di dekat rumah saya yang biasa kami datangi sudah hangus terbakar saat itu.
Saya tidak bisa membandingkan apa yang saya dan para senior saya itu lakukan dimasa itu, kami berada pada dimensi umur yang berbeda. Yang saya pikirkan adalah apa yang saya sudah saya lakukan sekarang ketika saya seumuran mereka, berada pada tingkat pendidikan yang sama dan kuliah di kampus yang sama.
Saya berpikir, bahwa saya dan lingkaran teman-teman disekitar saya adalah contoh anak muda masa kini yang egois. Semuanya lebih baik saat ini, kami punya fasilitas hotspot yang membuat kami betah nongkrong di kampus sambil menikmati layanan facebook, handphone adalah barang yang lazim dimiliki bahkan lebih dari 1 Hp per orang, setiap anak sibuk dengan tentengan laptopnya atau bermain seperti autis dengan blackberry nya. Saya sendiri lebih senang sibuk dengan tugas-tugas kuliah demi kepentingan pribadi saya sebagai mahasiswa, bersenang-senang dengan kegiatan organisasi, ribut membicarakan siapa menggebet siapa di kantin setiap makan siang, atau sesekali memanfaatkan jatah absen untuk nonton atau karaokean. see, saya sadari, saya termasuk mahasiswa egois..
Tidak pernah tertulis dalam agenda kerja saya (agenda yang seolah-olah sibuk tapi begitu saya timbang-timbang ternyata saya bukanlah mahasiswa produktif)untuk melakukan sesuatu yang bermanfaat bagi kalangan yang lebih luas bukan untuk diri saya sendiri seperti yang selama ini saya lakukan.
Melakukan aksi seperti temen2 BEM UI lakukan ketika merasa tidak "klop"dengan kebijakan pemerintah? jelas saya tidak punya cukup nyali melakukan itu, dan saya lebih senang membaca progress dari masalah-masalah yang mereka ributkan itu dari Tv atau koran untuk kemudian diskusi singkat dengan teman2 disela-sela obrolan tentang pacar masing-masing sambil seperti mengejek mereka yang turun aksi " lahh ngapain teriak-teriak di jalan, kalo emang merasa tuntutannya jelas mending bikin kajian aja, bikin petisi atau rekomendasi sampaikan dengan cara yang intelek"(meskipun kami sendiri juga gak punya cukup otak dan keinginan untuk melakukan cara yang kedua ini).
kata papa,"pergerakan macam mei 1998 itu ada timingnya py..gak bisa dibuat2, jika saatnya meletus pasti meletus..dan senior2 kamu itu yang kebagian jatahnya dulu untuk berjuang".
Saya tidak iri, pada momentum yang didapatkan senior-senior saya dalam hal pergolakan mei 1998, saya iri, kenapa saya tidak punya naluri seperti mereka, untuk kritis melihat masalah, berani mencari solusi yang bermanfaat bagi kalangan luas bahkan negara, dan setidaknya ikhlas menanggalkan kepentingan pribadi dan keegoisan mereka untuk sesuatu hal yang justru berbahaya bagi mereka. Disamping mereka juga memiliki kualitas yang juga baik: beberapa nama yang saya tahu menempuh pendidikan hingga s3 di luar negeri dan kerja di tempat-tempat dambaan kami semua.
Yang saya lakukan mungkin cuma "embel-embel" dalam kehidupan:kuliah alhamdulillah untungnya saya tidak bodoh, bikin tugas, masih syukur bisa ngurus organisasi, jalan-jalan ngabisin duit orangtua,dan sibuk mengupload foto dan memberi komen facebook. saya ragu apakah saya dapat menjadi "sesuatu" atau "seseorang" dengan hanya menjalani aktifitas "embel-embel" ini.
Betapa saya merasa rugi, melewatkan tahun-tahun di bangku kuliah hanya dengan rutinitas "embel-embel"ini, dan lagi kualitas aktifitas "embel-embel" ini tidak bagus- bagus amat terjadi pada saya, yahh lumayan IP masih diatas 3, alhamdulilah diberi kepercayaan memimpin himpunan meskipun saya juga masih ragu apakah saya bisa membawanya jadi lebih baik, sibuk nongkrong disana-sini juga gak jadi gaul-gaul amat pacar aja gak dapet2(curlong sekalian), yahhh jika saya menrik kesimpulan:hidup saya kurang berkualitas, atau mungkin saya mahasiswa yang tidak berkualitas..entahlah, yang saya tau saya masih menyimpan banyak ketidakpuasan akan diri saya sendiri masih sedang dalam perjalanan panjang untuk berusaha memenuhi kepuasan itu, semoga saja waktu saya cukup panjang untuk itu semua..
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Stupid Voter with Asymetric Informations
i gave my votes for the representatives for Indonesian parliament, on the right day (hahaha).
i did that at "TPS" near my house after i had "bidding time" with no sleep for 18 hours..
one think that came immediately on my mind when i ride my motorcycle to TPS was "should i do this? even, i don' t know which candidate whom i want to choose".
"maybe the opportunity cost of giving my vote on that day, was too much because my eyes actually couldn't open anymore and my body asked me to sleep"
When i arrived at TPS, honestly i felt lil' bit confused about what i had to do..
i never cared about the socialization of " contreng system", what type of vote which can be counted as a valid vote or not, i don't really know for exactly..
And my confusing became bigger when I realized that I don’t know which candidates that I have to be chosen..
Then, I gave my card to the TPS officer and waited for my turn… "MARTHA SAFITRI!" so, I took 4 voting papers from the officer and went to the voting cubicle..
I shake my head for a while,ck,ck,ck…. And grumbled (but loudly) " GEDE AMAT YAKK KERTASNYA…!! Boros banget deh, pake duit rakyat nih belinya..!"
Person who was in next cubicle in my right side, said " berisik lo hep, udah pilih aja deh" (he is my friend)
Person who was in next cubicle in my left side, side "makanya dek, kamu generasi penerus ntar dibikin yang lebih baek system pemilunya ya..!" (he is my 50years old neighbor)
After opened the voting papers I started to choose "my hero".. hahahahaha!!! There was no one who really my hero or at least I can give my trust to be "my hero" in legislative house..
On DPD list: there is no one that I known.. so, I just did " cap cip cup belalang kuncup…" voilaa!!!! The pen pointed on 1 candidate's photo, so I chose him..
On DPRD province list :everyday I go to campus by "my lovely ojek" I am always attracted (disturbed) by 1 big banner for the campaign attribute of 1 candidate. Because I think it would be "mubazir" if I didn’t chose him whereas he already spent lots of money for that banner so I chose him..(what a kind person I am)
On DPR list: at least, I know 1 candidates.. likely, he is smart, but I don’t really know he is honest and can do people's trust on him or not..BUT, because he is my friend's father and he campaigned attractively around depok…so, I CHOSE HIM..
On DPRD depok list: hahahahha.. there was my lecturer on the "white party" list…because he gave me A on poverty economy class, so I chose him….
The last confusing of me was, it was so hard to refold the voting papers…
Yup, maybe i am a stupid voter with full of asymetric information in Indonesian general election of 2009. surely, there must be lots of people who face same problem with me..
Am I stupid so I didn’t know for exactly the procedures of voting?
Maybe, it was not because I am stupid but more about I don’t care….
Am I stupid so that I did some stupid ritual and used stupid reasons to choose the candidates??? maybe but not really I think…
I am not well informed about what they want to do to us, what programs that they bring and how deserve they are to be our representatives in legislative house…
They more concerned about their stupid pose and stupid tagline on their banner of campaign… they chose to set up "dangdutan" to attract people rather than informed people about their ability, capacity, and programs to community..
I felt little bit guilty after I gave my votes yesterday… because I didn't use my rational reason and my "educated brain" to chose them… but, I promise my self to try harder to find out about my next president candidates…(though I still confused, actually its my obligation or theirs to informed their potential voters)
i did that at "TPS" near my house after i had "bidding time" with no sleep for 18 hours..
one think that came immediately on my mind when i ride my motorcycle to TPS was "should i do this? even, i don' t know which candidate whom i want to choose".
"maybe the opportunity cost of giving my vote on that day, was too much because my eyes actually couldn't open anymore and my body asked me to sleep"
When i arrived at TPS, honestly i felt lil' bit confused about what i had to do..
i never cared about the socialization of " contreng system", what type of vote which can be counted as a valid vote or not, i don't really know for exactly..
And my confusing became bigger when I realized that I don’t know which candidates that I have to be chosen..
Then, I gave my card to the TPS officer and waited for my turn… "MARTHA SAFITRI!" so, I took 4 voting papers from the officer and went to the voting cubicle..
I shake my head for a while,ck,ck,ck…. And grumbled (but loudly) " GEDE AMAT YAKK KERTASNYA…!! Boros banget deh, pake duit rakyat nih belinya..!"
Person who was in next cubicle in my right side, said " berisik lo hep, udah pilih aja deh" (he is my friend)
Person who was in next cubicle in my left side, side "makanya dek, kamu generasi penerus ntar dibikin yang lebih baek system pemilunya ya..!" (he is my 50years old neighbor)
After opened the voting papers I started to choose "my hero".. hahahahaha!!! There was no one who really my hero or at least I can give my trust to be "my hero" in legislative house..
On DPD list: there is no one that I known.. so, I just did " cap cip cup belalang kuncup…" voilaa!!!! The pen pointed on 1 candidate's photo, so I chose him..
On DPRD province list :everyday I go to campus by "my lovely ojek" I am always attracted (disturbed) by 1 big banner for the campaign attribute of 1 candidate. Because I think it would be "mubazir" if I didn’t chose him whereas he already spent lots of money for that banner so I chose him..(what a kind person I am)
On DPR list: at least, I know 1 candidates.. likely, he is smart, but I don’t really know he is honest and can do people's trust on him or not..BUT, because he is my friend's father and he campaigned attractively around depok…so, I CHOSE HIM..
On DPRD depok list: hahahahha.. there was my lecturer on the "white party" list…because he gave me A on poverty economy class, so I chose him….
The last confusing of me was, it was so hard to refold the voting papers…
Yup, maybe i am a stupid voter with full of asymetric information in Indonesian general election of 2009. surely, there must be lots of people who face same problem with me..
Am I stupid so I didn’t know for exactly the procedures of voting?
Maybe, it was not because I am stupid but more about I don’t care….
Am I stupid so that I did some stupid ritual and used stupid reasons to choose the candidates??? maybe but not really I think…
I am not well informed about what they want to do to us, what programs that they bring and how deserve they are to be our representatives in legislative house…
They more concerned about their stupid pose and stupid tagline on their banner of campaign… they chose to set up "dangdutan" to attract people rather than informed people about their ability, capacity, and programs to community..
I felt little bit guilty after I gave my votes yesterday… because I didn't use my rational reason and my "educated brain" to chose them… but, I promise my self to try harder to find out about my next president candidates…(though I still confused, actually its my obligation or theirs to informed their potential voters)
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