Friday, February 12, 2010


sometimes we regret about any bad things that happened to us. the unexpected bad things.
life is full of surprise. the most certain thing in the world, is uncertainty.
God has designed our way, our life. we just have a right to make choices.

something that is seemed to be right to you, maybe that's not. or something that is seemed to be bad to you, maybe that's not. because, we have limited knowledge about life.

don't we ever blame God or the condition for something bad. bad day, just the stage that we have to pass to reach the better one. there always be a day after night, right?

like my favorite author said : we will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen (paulo coelho)

*dedicated to asrialdina, and for myself too*

1 comment:

Winta said...

wuidiiiihhh.. mantaaapppp.. bikin merinding kalo ngebayangin ginian..