Monday, November 28, 2011
Thursday, November 03, 2011
how the government works
Maybe i am wrong
But I have observed
That's way we don't have an accurate and effective development planning
it's not only about the planning process but also the implementation and the evaluation after that
It is how the government works
They are sometime too optimist without making deep analysis
but on the other time, they are too pessimist then lost the opportunities
It is how the government works
in this developing country which in fact has much opportunities but lack of capacity
the ask outsiders to plan their future, to solve their problems, and to give them insights
maybe it's not something wrong, if we still take the control and if we can define rightly what we really needs and wants.
it is how the government works
They find problems or some strategic issues..
They invite the respective ones, held the meeting, discuss it, and then?it stop at this stage
sometime they just discuss it without making any actions
while at the same time, the national budget has been drawn
oh well, i'll wait for the time of new generation
where maybe i will become part of it.
Maybe we won't make the same mistakes
and maybe we won't do the same work as they did.
*just a personal opinion based on personal observation
But I have observed
That's way we don't have an accurate and effective development planning
it's not only about the planning process but also the implementation and the evaluation after that
It is how the government works
They are sometime too optimist without making deep analysis
but on the other time, they are too pessimist then lost the opportunities
It is how the government works
in this developing country which in fact has much opportunities but lack of capacity
the ask outsiders to plan their future, to solve their problems, and to give them insights
maybe it's not something wrong, if we still take the control and if we can define rightly what we really needs and wants.
it is how the government works
They find problems or some strategic issues..
They invite the respective ones, held the meeting, discuss it, and then?it stop at this stage
sometime they just discuss it without making any actions
while at the same time, the national budget has been drawn
oh well, i'll wait for the time of new generation
where maybe i will become part of it.
Maybe we won't make the same mistakes
and maybe we won't do the same work as they did.
*just a personal opinion based on personal observation
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
bukan karena tidak ada yang dilakukan
hanya saja, saya merasa jenuh akan semua yang belakangan ini rutin saya lakukan
saya jenuh dengan rutinitas, saya jenuh dengan suasana, saya jenuh dengan diri saya sendiri
i wish i have much money
so, i can travel around to some different place regularly
so i can recharge my energy
i wish i have no much obligation to do
so i can have much time for myself
yeah, only for myself
bukan karena tidak ada yang dilakukan
hanya saja, saya merasa jenuh akan semua yang belakangan ini rutin saya lakukan
saya jenuh dengan rutinitas, saya jenuh dengan suasana, saya jenuh dengan diri saya sendiri
i wish i have much money
so, i can travel around to some different place regularly
so i can recharge my energy
i wish i have no much obligation to do
so i can have much time for myself
yeah, only for myself
Monday, June 13, 2011
Tuesday, June 07, 2011
location can determine one's fate
Jila District, a small district consist of 10 villages with around 100 households live in there.
Jila District, a very awesome region. Covered by bright blue sky and isolated by fresh green forest and mountain.
Jila District, a forgotten region of this nation. There is school without teachers, there is a clinic without doctors, there is no electricity, no water channel, but at least there is "sang merah-putih" in front of some houses and some of the villagers speaks Bahasa.
And i met her, she is Martha, i was excited after i heard she has same name with me.
Her father is a village leader, and also a coordinator for Jila District in receiving one foreign aid.
Her hair is fabulous, curly and fashioned by herself. She said that she use detergent to make that (so sad).
She looks smart, because she always asked my questions immediately with his honest and bright eyes. Yes she is a smart girl, because there is no stupid kid who welcome and goodbye strangers politely.
She is unknown years old, because she said "saya tidah tahu, mama yang tahu" when i asked her birthday or her age.
location determining one's fate, that's my taught when i remember Martha from Jila.
She has a same name with me, but only because i live in Java while she in Papua, i realize that i have a better childhood life than she has.
At her age, i went to school from monday to saturday, i can get extra study from paid tutorial class. but Martha is not at school, she and her friends will be at holiday for a long time because there is no teacher at her village.
I spent sunday or my holiday by swimming or picnic with family. Martha spends her holiday by helping her mama at their farm bringing out meals.
Maybe she is not using dress and sandals, and her hair fashioned by detergent not perfume shampoo, and she is not getting to school, But that doesn't mean she is less smart than me. It just because she lives at forgotten location and it's not her fault or her parents faults.
She could be more smart than me or have better future than me, what she needs only opportunity.
Its this nation leaders to create an opportunity for Martha and any other children from other forgotten locations. Because they also have the same right to get benefits from rapid growth of this nation.
Jila District, a very awesome region. Covered by bright blue sky and isolated by fresh green forest and mountain.
Jila District, a forgotten region of this nation. There is school without teachers, there is a clinic without doctors, there is no electricity, no water channel, but at least there is "sang merah-putih" in front of some houses and some of the villagers speaks Bahasa.
And i met her, she is Martha, i was excited after i heard she has same name with me.
Her father is a village leader, and also a coordinator for Jila District in receiving one foreign aid.
Her hair is fabulous, curly and fashioned by herself. She said that she use detergent to make that (so sad).
She looks smart, because she always asked my questions immediately with his honest and bright eyes. Yes she is a smart girl, because there is no stupid kid who welcome and goodbye strangers politely.
She is unknown years old, because she said "saya tidah tahu, mama yang tahu" when i asked her birthday or her age.
location determining one's fate, that's my taught when i remember Martha from Jila.
She has a same name with me, but only because i live in Java while she in Papua, i realize that i have a better childhood life than she has.
At her age, i went to school from monday to saturday, i can get extra study from paid tutorial class. but Martha is not at school, she and her friends will be at holiday for a long time because there is no teacher at her village.
I spent sunday or my holiday by swimming or picnic with family. Martha spends her holiday by helping her mama at their farm bringing out meals.
Maybe she is not using dress and sandals, and her hair fashioned by detergent not perfume shampoo, and she is not getting to school, But that doesn't mean she is less smart than me. It just because she lives at forgotten location and it's not her fault or her parents faults.
She could be more smart than me or have better future than me, what she needs only opportunity.
Its this nation leaders to create an opportunity for Martha and any other children from other forgotten locations. Because they also have the same right to get benefits from rapid growth of this nation.
Monday, June 06, 2011
The Unexpected
When the expected warm wishes from the expected ones didn't come, here come the unexpected warm wishes from the forgotten friends.
when there is no expected gift from the special ones, the unexpected packages have come surprisingly from far away.
Am i not that special for them whom i consider as my special ones? or i just put too much expectation?
Then, i've learned for not making any expectation after that..
Oh God.. then i know why people say that life is full of surprise - the unexpected thing in both good and bad way..
when there is no expected gift from the special ones, the unexpected packages have come surprisingly from far away.
Am i not that special for them whom i consider as my special ones? or i just put too much expectation?
Then, i've learned for not making any expectation after that..
Oh God.. then i know why people say that life is full of surprise - the unexpected thing in both good and bad way..
Thursday, May 12, 2011
my 23 wishlist
God, will you bless me in this joyous month for me?
please, bless me always..
I realize that i am not close enough with You, in most of my time I neglect my responsibility to You. But, that doesn't mean i leave You.. i believe in You, i always need You, and i still afraid of You.
It just because of my laziness and my lack of piety.
I need Your assistance, for always being in Your way..
God, please send me gift for my chapter of being 23..
A package of your blessing and forgiveness.
please, bless me always..
I realize that i am not close enough with You, in most of my time I neglect my responsibility to You. But, that doesn't mean i leave You.. i believe in You, i always need You, and i still afraid of You.
It just because of my laziness and my lack of piety.
I need Your assistance, for always being in Your way..
God, please send me gift for my chapter of being 23..
A package of your blessing and forgiveness.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
how i miss you guys..
Friday, April 01, 2011
be grateful..
"I need to enjoy all the gifts that God gaves me today, because grace cannot be saved and put away for later"
(paulo coelho)
What i have to do is just being grateful for every single thing that i have
I have to enjoy every second in my life and enjoy all the things that i have
I need to focus on anything that is mine, not theirs or hers or his
Learn to be grateful of everything that i received, and may i will always feel satisfied
..and my favorite author (paulo coelho) also said:
"I must accept the blessings of today, to create with what I have. If I do this with detachment and without guilt, tomorrow I shall receive more"
(paulo coelho)
What i have to do is just being grateful for every single thing that i have
I have to enjoy every second in my life and enjoy all the things that i have
I need to focus on anything that is mine, not theirs or hers or his
Learn to be grateful of everything that i received, and may i will always feel satisfied
..and my favorite author (paulo coelho) also said:
"I must accept the blessings of today, to create with what I have. If I do this with detachment and without guilt, tomorrow I shall receive more"
Thanks Allah. With love, happy ^_^
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
menjadi pekerja
Merupakan hal lumrah ketika seseorang telah menyelesaikan pendidikan di bangku universitas lalu kemudian wara-wiri mencari pekerjaan.
Bekerja dalam versi saya memiliki 2 tujuan utama, yaitu: Memenuhi kebutuhan material hidup atau memenuhi kepuasan intelektual dan batin, namun tidak menutup kemungkinan bagi beberapa orang yang cukup beruntung, mereka mengkombinasikan keduanya dalam 1 pekerjaan. Sisanya, bagi beberapa orang yang tidak terlalu beruntung, justru hampir tidak mendapatkan keduanya.
Sejak sebelum lulus dari FEUI, saya sebenarnya sudah terbiasa bekerja. Untuk kondisi "bekerja" bagi saya saat itu sangat menyenangkan, ditinjau dari 2 sisi yang terkait dengan 2 tujuan utama bekerja dalam definisi saya.
Pertama, saya sangat menyukai apa yang saya kerjakan : mengajar dan membantu penelitian.
Capek memang, apalagi ketika dijalankan bersamaan saat saya masih kuliah dan menyelesaikan skripsi. namun, disinilah letak kepuasan intelektual (belum batin sepenuhnya) yang saya dapatkan.
Dengan mengajar, mau tidak mau saya terus belajar untuk mempersiapkan bahan di kelas, saya bertemu banyak teman-teman baru, dan hampir setiap kelas yang saya ajar saya merasa akrab dengan makhluk-makhluk didalamnya. Membantu penelitian pun sama saja, bahkan disinilah letak belajar dalam mempraktekan ilmu saya sebenarnya.
Dengan membantu penelitian beberapa dosen, saya jadi tahu praktek nyata dari ilmu ekonomi dan kebijakan yang saya pelajari di kelas-kelas, sleain tiu saya jadi lebih dikenal dengan beberapa kalangan dosen hal ini tentu berkontribusi positif dalam mimpi saya kedepan untuk sekolah ke LN karena bisa mendapatkan rekomendasi dari mereka.
Kedua, untuk ukuran kantong mahasiswa saya, honor mengajar dan membantu penelitian sangat amat lumayan. mari hitung dengan kasar. dari mengajar 1 kelas saja, saya bisa dapat 1 juta perbulan, honor membantu penelitian adalah 2,5 juta perbulan dan ada kalanya dalam beberapa bulan yang bersamaan saya menerima proyek membantu lebih dari 1 penelitian. Maka angka yang bisa saya dapatkan bisa sangattttt lumayan apalagi ditambah saya masih mendapatkan uang jajan( akan tetapi dengan sifat boros saya, saya lebih sering tidak tahu kemana semua uang itu hilang).
Kesimpulan dari pemaparan saya yang pertama tentang pekerjaan saya sewaktu kuliah dan beberapa bulan pasca lulus adalah : saya mencintai nya dan berharap saya dapat terus menerus melakukan pekerjaan tersebut.
Akan tetapi, tuntutan dunia membuat saya mau tidak mau dan harus lebih realistis menatap hidup.
Orang tua saya (tepatnya mama) sudah geregetan kenapa saya masih saja dirumah meskipun sudah lulus hampir 5 bulan, beliau agak sulit diberi penjelasan. saya sering dirumah tapi bukan berarti menganggur, saya mengajar dan membantu proyek penelitian. Tapi beliau mungkin merasa risih juga dengan pertanyaan beberapa temennya (yaitu ibu-ibu kebanyakan yang pendidikannya pun rata-rata saja dan punya pola pikir mainstream) tentang: "Mar, anakmu sudah lulus kan ya? kerja dimana dia sekarang?pasti gampang cari kerja, kan anak UI, pintar kan ya anakmu juga". zzzzzzzzz.
Saya sendiri juga sudah mulai agak kalang kabut, untuk bekerja karena sekeliling saya yaitu teman2 sudah mulai memasuki dunia kerja juga, kebanyakan adalah menjadi pegawai bank atau PNS. padahal ada pesan ayah saya yang saya ingat " jangan jadi ikan cerek py, orang kerja di bank ikut di bank, orang daftar pns, ikut daftar, kalo ga cocok gausah cari yang sesuai kata hati jangan buru2".
Selain itu, hal yang lebih memberatkan saya untuk segera bekerja adalah: saya belum bisa mendaftar sekolah tahun ini dikarenakan kebodohan saya sendiri dan lagi saya butuh uang untuk mempersiapkan diri mendaftar2 tes dan sekolah.
Sebenarnya saya sudah mencoba melamar beberapa pekerjaan yang menurut saya akan memenuhi 2 tujuan utama bekerja dalam definisi saya. Saya mendaftar di sebuah lembaga penelitian international, sudah sempat dihubungi dan ditanggapi positif lalu kemudian hilang entah kemana si peneliti itu(saya menganggapnya belum rejeki saya). Selanjutnya, saya juga mendaftar ke sebuah lembaga international sebagai asisten peneliti, prosedur yang lama membuat saya menunggu sehingga mengantar saya pada kondisi dimana ketika mereka akhirnya mengirimkan kabar menerima saya dengan senang hati tapi dengan berat hati saya harus bilang "i am sorry i can't", bukan karena saya tidak mau tapi kondisi saya sudah tidak bisa. Ibaratnya seperti lagu MLTR "25 minutes".... boy, i miss your kisses but i am sorry this is 25 minutes too late..
akhirnya setelah berkelana dari 1 tes ke tes lain dan dari 1 wawancara ke wawancara lainnya, maka saya berakhir di tempat duduk ini dimana saya membuat postingan ini.
Bagaimana saya menilai pekerjaan saya ini?
Secara karakteristik fisik pekerjaan:
Saya hanya akan ada disini 1 tahun saya (pliss Allah saya mau sekolah tahun depan). Dengan gaji yang menurut hasil tanya sana sini adalah gaji standar untuk lulusan S1 dengan 0 pengalaman bekerja secara resmi. Tidak ada pemasukan sampingan diluar gaji pokok yang saya terima dan nilai gaji segitu masih harus dikurangi dengan pajak yang denger2 bisa 1/6 dari nilai gaji saya dan masih harus saya kurangi dengan ongkos saya yang kira2 50 ribu seharinya. Saya harus bekerja full time monday to friday 08.30 am to 5 pm. dan untuk waktu-waktu dimana pekerjaan saya sudah selsai saya dapat pulang lebih awal atau ketika pekerjaan agak banyak, saya pulang agak malam.
Secara tanggungjawab pekerjaan:
Posisi saya dinamai junior analyst didalam lowongan yang mereka pasang, akan tetapi setelah berada didalamnya saya hanya boleh menggunakan istilah "staff pendukung" di belakang nama saya. Pekerjaan utama saya adalah mengurusi administrasi dan sedikit substansi dari kegiatan dan proyek-proyek yang terkait dengan pinjaman dan hibah dari luar negeri.Kebanyakan pekerjaan saya:membuat memo, membuat surat, menyusun proposal, membantu menilai proposal, membantu menyiapkan kelengkapan suatu grant/loan agreement, membuat notulensi rapat, dan lain sebagainya.
Saya disini juga banyak belajar: saya jadi tahu bagaimana prosedur suatu pinjaman atau hibah dari luar negeri akhirnya bisa dipakai di Indonesia; saya belajar mendengarkan dan mencatat dalam bahasa inggris ketika dilakukan beberapa rapat/pertemuan dengan bule-bule itu; saya belajar bahasa indonesia yang baik dan benar; saya belajar betapa ribetnya birokrasi kementerian/lembaga negara; saya belajar beradaptasi dengan berbagai karakter orang (ada yang penggerutu, perfectionist, mau enak sendiri, ngomongin orang dibelakang, banyak maunya, aneh, egois, dan tukang mengeluh); dan saya belajar bagaimana orang-orang di samping kanan-kiri dan depan saya ini mengejar sekolah dan beasiswa dengan cara bertanya dan mencuri informasi dari mereka dengan cara legal tentunya.
Secara lingkungan dan suasana kerja:
Gedung dan lingkungannya sempit sekali. hanya ada 1 kantin resmi dan koperasi, yang menunya STD, ditambah 1 hiburan dibelakang adalah penjaja makanan kaki lima. Jujur saya banyak ngedumel di awal-awal bekerja ini, bekerja dengan berbagai tipe orang memang tidak mudah saya harus menyesuaikan diri. Pekerjaan yang cenderung membosankan juga suka membuat saya uring-uringan. tapi saya ingin tetap ber-image baik disini, jadi saya sering tetap pasang topeng senyum meskipun saya mengumpat di hati dan saya berusaha mengerjakan semua tugas saya sebaik mungkin demi nama baik saya sendiri.
Kesimpulan dari topik kedua tentang pekerjaan saya saat ini adalah : saya tidak mencintainya tapi saya tidak akan menjalankannya dengan meninggalkan kesan buruk, maka saya akan bekerja dengan baik hingga di akhir waktu tanggungjawab saya berakhir.
...Ketika saya tidak mencintai pekerjaan yang saya lakukan, saya hanya akan bekerja dengan baik dan sesuai dengan nilai bagaimana saya dibayar, tidak lebih...
Bekerja dalam versi saya memiliki 2 tujuan utama, yaitu: Memenuhi kebutuhan material hidup atau memenuhi kepuasan intelektual dan batin, namun tidak menutup kemungkinan bagi beberapa orang yang cukup beruntung, mereka mengkombinasikan keduanya dalam 1 pekerjaan. Sisanya, bagi beberapa orang yang tidak terlalu beruntung, justru hampir tidak mendapatkan keduanya.
Pertama, saya sangat menyukai apa yang saya kerjakan : mengajar dan membantu penelitian.
Capek memang, apalagi ketika dijalankan bersamaan saat saya masih kuliah dan menyelesaikan skripsi. namun, disinilah letak kepuasan intelektual (belum batin sepenuhnya) yang saya dapatkan.
Dengan mengajar, mau tidak mau saya terus belajar untuk mempersiapkan bahan di kelas, saya bertemu banyak teman-teman baru, dan hampir setiap kelas yang saya ajar saya merasa akrab dengan makhluk-makhluk didalamnya. Membantu penelitian pun sama saja, bahkan disinilah letak belajar dalam mempraktekan ilmu saya sebenarnya.
Dengan membantu penelitian beberapa dosen, saya jadi tahu praktek nyata dari ilmu ekonomi dan kebijakan yang saya pelajari di kelas-kelas, sleain tiu saya jadi lebih dikenal dengan beberapa kalangan dosen hal ini tentu berkontribusi positif dalam mimpi saya kedepan untuk sekolah ke LN karena bisa mendapatkan rekomendasi dari mereka.
Kedua, untuk ukuran kantong mahasiswa saya, honor mengajar dan membantu penelitian sangat amat lumayan. mari hitung dengan kasar. dari mengajar 1 kelas saja, saya bisa dapat 1 juta perbulan, honor membantu penelitian adalah 2,5 juta perbulan dan ada kalanya dalam beberapa bulan yang bersamaan saya menerima proyek membantu lebih dari 1 penelitian. Maka angka yang bisa saya dapatkan bisa sangattttt lumayan apalagi ditambah saya masih mendapatkan uang jajan( akan tetapi dengan sifat boros saya, saya lebih sering tidak tahu kemana semua uang itu hilang).
Kesimpulan dari pemaparan saya yang pertama tentang pekerjaan saya sewaktu kuliah dan beberapa bulan pasca lulus adalah : saya mencintai nya dan berharap saya dapat terus menerus melakukan pekerjaan tersebut.
Akan tetapi, tuntutan dunia membuat saya mau tidak mau dan harus lebih realistis menatap hidup.
Orang tua saya (tepatnya mama) sudah geregetan kenapa saya masih saja dirumah meskipun sudah lulus hampir 5 bulan, beliau agak sulit diberi penjelasan. saya sering dirumah tapi bukan berarti menganggur, saya mengajar dan membantu proyek penelitian. Tapi beliau mungkin merasa risih juga dengan pertanyaan beberapa temennya (yaitu ibu-ibu kebanyakan yang pendidikannya pun rata-rata saja dan punya pola pikir mainstream) tentang: "Mar, anakmu sudah lulus kan ya? kerja dimana dia sekarang?pasti gampang cari kerja, kan anak UI, pintar kan ya anakmu juga". zzzzzzzzz.
Saya sendiri juga sudah mulai agak kalang kabut, untuk bekerja karena sekeliling saya yaitu teman2 sudah mulai memasuki dunia kerja juga, kebanyakan adalah menjadi pegawai bank atau PNS. padahal ada pesan ayah saya yang saya ingat " jangan jadi ikan cerek py, orang kerja di bank ikut di bank, orang daftar pns, ikut daftar, kalo ga cocok gausah cari yang sesuai kata hati jangan buru2".
Selain itu, hal yang lebih memberatkan saya untuk segera bekerja adalah: saya belum bisa mendaftar sekolah tahun ini dikarenakan kebodohan saya sendiri dan lagi saya butuh uang untuk mempersiapkan diri mendaftar2 tes dan sekolah.
Sebenarnya saya sudah mencoba melamar beberapa pekerjaan yang menurut saya akan memenuhi 2 tujuan utama bekerja dalam definisi saya. Saya mendaftar di sebuah lembaga penelitian international, sudah sempat dihubungi dan ditanggapi positif lalu kemudian hilang entah kemana si peneliti itu(saya menganggapnya belum rejeki saya). Selanjutnya, saya juga mendaftar ke sebuah lembaga international sebagai asisten peneliti, prosedur yang lama membuat saya menunggu sehingga mengantar saya pada kondisi dimana ketika mereka akhirnya mengirimkan kabar menerima saya dengan senang hati tapi dengan berat hati saya harus bilang "i am sorry i can't", bukan karena saya tidak mau tapi kondisi saya sudah tidak bisa. Ibaratnya seperti lagu MLTR "25 minutes".... boy, i miss your kisses but i am sorry this is 25 minutes too late..
akhirnya setelah berkelana dari 1 tes ke tes lain dan dari 1 wawancara ke wawancara lainnya, maka saya berakhir di tempat duduk ini dimana saya membuat postingan ini.
Bagaimana saya menilai pekerjaan saya ini?
Secara karakteristik fisik pekerjaan:
Saya hanya akan ada disini 1 tahun saya (pliss Allah saya mau sekolah tahun depan). Dengan gaji yang menurut hasil tanya sana sini adalah gaji standar untuk lulusan S1 dengan 0 pengalaman bekerja secara resmi. Tidak ada pemasukan sampingan diluar gaji pokok yang saya terima dan nilai gaji segitu masih harus dikurangi dengan pajak yang denger2 bisa 1/6 dari nilai gaji saya dan masih harus saya kurangi dengan ongkos saya yang kira2 50 ribu seharinya. Saya harus bekerja full time monday to friday 08.30 am to 5 pm. dan untuk waktu-waktu dimana pekerjaan saya sudah selsai saya dapat pulang lebih awal atau ketika pekerjaan agak banyak, saya pulang agak malam.
Secara tanggungjawab pekerjaan:
Posisi saya dinamai junior analyst didalam lowongan yang mereka pasang, akan tetapi setelah berada didalamnya saya hanya boleh menggunakan istilah "staff pendukung" di belakang nama saya. Pekerjaan utama saya adalah mengurusi administrasi dan sedikit substansi dari kegiatan dan proyek-proyek yang terkait dengan pinjaman dan hibah dari luar negeri.Kebanyakan pekerjaan saya:membuat memo, membuat surat, menyusun proposal, membantu menilai proposal, membantu menyiapkan kelengkapan suatu grant/loan agreement, membuat notulensi rapat, dan lain sebagainya.
Saya disini juga banyak belajar: saya jadi tahu bagaimana prosedur suatu pinjaman atau hibah dari luar negeri akhirnya bisa dipakai di Indonesia; saya belajar mendengarkan dan mencatat dalam bahasa inggris ketika dilakukan beberapa rapat/pertemuan dengan bule-bule itu; saya belajar bahasa indonesia yang baik dan benar; saya belajar betapa ribetnya birokrasi kementerian/lembaga negara; saya belajar beradaptasi dengan berbagai karakter orang (ada yang penggerutu, perfectionist, mau enak sendiri, ngomongin orang dibelakang, banyak maunya, aneh, egois, dan tukang mengeluh); dan saya belajar bagaimana orang-orang di samping kanan-kiri dan depan saya ini mengejar sekolah dan beasiswa dengan cara bertanya dan mencuri informasi dari mereka dengan cara legal tentunya.
Secara lingkungan dan suasana kerja:
Gedung dan lingkungannya sempit sekali. hanya ada 1 kantin resmi dan koperasi, yang menunya STD, ditambah 1 hiburan dibelakang adalah penjaja makanan kaki lima. Jujur saya banyak ngedumel di awal-awal bekerja ini, bekerja dengan berbagai tipe orang memang tidak mudah saya harus menyesuaikan diri. Pekerjaan yang cenderung membosankan juga suka membuat saya uring-uringan. tapi saya ingin tetap ber-image baik disini, jadi saya sering tetap pasang topeng senyum meskipun saya mengumpat di hati dan saya berusaha mengerjakan semua tugas saya sebaik mungkin demi nama baik saya sendiri.
Kesimpulan dari topik kedua tentang pekerjaan saya saat ini adalah : saya tidak mencintainya tapi saya tidak akan menjalankannya dengan meninggalkan kesan buruk, maka saya akan bekerja dengan baik hingga di akhir waktu tanggungjawab saya berakhir.
...Ketika saya tidak mencintai pekerjaan yang saya lakukan, saya hanya akan bekerja dengan baik dan sesuai dengan nilai bagaimana saya dibayar, tidak lebih...
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
(Another) Piggies Trip
As I recall, this is a vacation with the most members.
This is not a new destination, we've come to this place about 2 years ago, precisely on August 5,6,7, 2009.
This is our second time , with different situations and different members..
Places that we visited had not changed much, but maybe we are much changed.
Changes in ourselves, and perhaps also a change in the pattern of our friendship.
But we don't want to think about the change, if it will reduce our happiness ..
we just want to laugh, spend time together, and continue to repeat the great memories together as bestfriends ..
thank you for this wonderful friendship, piggies..



This is not a new destination, we've come to this place about 2 years ago, precisely on August 5,6,7, 2009.
This is our second time , with different situations and different members..
Places that we visited had not changed much, but maybe we are much changed.
Changes in ourselves, and perhaps also a change in the pattern of our friendship.
But we don't want to think about the change, if it will reduce our happiness ..
we just want to laugh, spend time together, and continue to repeat the great memories together as bestfriends ..
thank you for this wonderful friendship, piggies..



Piggies + Sahabat IE ~ Carita, 19-20 Februari 2011
(Happy, Uchal, Alia, Ulay, Widi, Aldi, Wibi, Nabir, Ruhum, Dave, Aisha, Santy, Winta, Agil, Kunam, Kibeng, Rensus, Bhas, Wisnu, Hasbi, Kibeng)
(Happy, Uchal, Alia, Ulay, Widi, Aldi, Wibi, Nabir, Ruhum, Dave, Aisha, Santy, Winta, Agil, Kunam, Kibeng, Rensus, Bhas, Wisnu, Hasbi, Kibeng)
Wednesday, February 09, 2011
i want to be a CENTER, always..
i am accustomed to be a CENTER
though sometimes i am being IGNORED too
but i ALWAYS want to be a CENTER
and i HATE to SIT AT BACK and being ignored
that's why i'll TRY my best to let the world know MY NAME..
though sometimes i am being IGNORED too
but i ALWAYS want to be a CENTER
and i HATE to SIT AT BACK and being ignored
that's why i'll TRY my best to let the world know MY NAME..
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
One Step at A Time
Hurry up and wait
So close, but so far away
Everything that you've always dreamed of
Close enough for you to taste
But you just can't touch
You wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet
Wonder when and where and how you're gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated
And you're getting all kind of impatient waiting
We live and we learn to take
One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen when it's
Supposed to happen and we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time
You believe and you doubt
You're confused, you got it all figured out
Everything that you always wished for
Could be yours, should be yours, would be yours
If they only knew
You wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet
Wonder when and where and how you're gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated
And you're getting all kind of impatient waiting
When you can't wait any longer
But there's no end in sight
when you need to find the strength
It's your faith that makes you stronger
The only way you get there
Is one step at a time
God, please make "it" happen for me.. you know that thing which i wish for..
because it's not only about me, but also them..
I will give my best to make it happen, but please use Your hand to make sure it will be mine..
So close, but so far away
Everything that you've always dreamed of
Close enough for you to taste
But you just can't touch
You wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet
Wonder when and where and how you're gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated
And you're getting all kind of impatient waiting
We live and we learn to take
One step at a time
There's no need to rush
It's like learning to fly
Or falling in love
It's gonna happen when it's
Supposed to happen and we
Find the reasons why
One step at a time
You believe and you doubt
You're confused, you got it all figured out
Everything that you always wished for
Could be yours, should be yours, would be yours
If they only knew
You wanna show the world, but no one knows your name yet
Wonder when and where and how you're gonna make it
You know you can if you get the chance
In your face as the door keeps slamming
Now you're feeling more and more frustrated
And you're getting all kind of impatient waiting
When you can't wait any longer
But there's no end in sight
when you need to find the strength
It's your faith that makes you stronger
The only way you get there
Is one step at a time
God, please make "it" happen for me.. you know that thing which i wish for..
because it's not only about me, but also them..
I will give my best to make it happen, but please use Your hand to make sure it will be mine..
Monday, January 24, 2011
life lesson in the beginning of 2011..
Hi World,
welcome January 2011
Some things have been coloring my beginning of this new year.. it could be pink, grey, black, blue, red, even white.
life teaches me very well..
how to wait, how to make hopes, how to struggle,how to being thankful, how to love, how to give, how to relieve, how to deal with any condition, and how to live this life rightly and wisely..
But sometimes i am just too stupid to understand the life's lesson or too stubborn to accept all signs and guidelines.
I ended 2010 with long waiting and big hopes of getting the right one. A job, that i dream of. life taught me that waiting is not same with doing nothing, then life taught me how to struggle and look for all chances..
Then in January 2011, i got some at different time, so i have to choose one.
Life give me the evidence of words "every option has its opportunity cost" when i decide to choose A then i have to loose B or maybe only get the half-B. Being thankful of everything that is given to you, hep..
Sometime i am the greedy little girl. I think i have to grab all chances on me. but now i am the 22 years old women, i have to choose wisely. Not all chances have to be mine. There will be the right time for everything
Something that i love from january, is it's second day. January 2nd , is the day when life will always teach me how to love and to be loved. how to understand and give a part of my life to be filled by someone's dreams.
Life never stop to teach me. now it is teaching me how to deal with any conditions. sometime i will get bored, sometime i will get tired, sometime i will be ignored, sometime i will get excited.. but for sure i will learn something..(hopefully).
it is just the january, i will have the next 11 months on 2011. i still have time to fix my failures and get A from this 2011 life's lesson.
Dear January please taking notes of my resolutions for this year, and God please guide me to make it work.
i want to be a happier person..
i will stop arguing with God about anything that is not match well with my wish..
i will love God, myself, my parents, my family, my man, and my friends more..
i want to make my parents and family be proud of me every year..
i want to make my own money money and save more..
i want to get school and scholarship for my mater degree this year..
and i want this year being a wonderful year for me and everyone..
welcome January 2011
Some things have been coloring my beginning of this new year.. it could be pink, grey, black, blue, red, even white.
life teaches me very well..
how to wait, how to make hopes, how to struggle,how to being thankful, how to love, how to give, how to relieve, how to deal with any condition, and how to live this life rightly and wisely..
But sometimes i am just too stupid to understand the life's lesson or too stubborn to accept all signs and guidelines.
I ended 2010 with long waiting and big hopes of getting the right one. A job, that i dream of. life taught me that waiting is not same with doing nothing, then life taught me how to struggle and look for all chances..
Then in January 2011, i got some at different time, so i have to choose one.
Life give me the evidence of words "every option has its opportunity cost" when i decide to choose A then i have to loose B or maybe only get the half-B. Being thankful of everything that is given to you, hep..
Sometime i am the greedy little girl. I think i have to grab all chances on me. but now i am the 22 years old women, i have to choose wisely. Not all chances have to be mine. There will be the right time for everything
Something that i love from january, is it's second day. January 2nd , is the day when life will always teach me how to love and to be loved. how to understand and give a part of my life to be filled by someone's dreams.
Life never stop to teach me. now it is teaching me how to deal with any conditions. sometime i will get bored, sometime i will get tired, sometime i will be ignored, sometime i will get excited.. but for sure i will learn something..(hopefully).
it is just the january, i will have the next 11 months on 2011. i still have time to fix my failures and get A from this 2011 life's lesson.
Dear January please taking notes of my resolutions for this year, and God please guide me to make it work.
i want to be a happier person..
i will stop arguing with God about anything that is not match well with my wish..
i will love God, myself, my parents, my family, my man, and my friends more..
i want to make my parents and family be proud of me every year..
i want to make my own money money and save more..
i want to get school and scholarship for my mater degree this year..
and i want this year being a wonderful year for me and everyone..

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