Wednesday, December 09, 2009

The Negative Externalities of Your Happiness

smile and laugh that are showed in your face if you feel something that you call as happiness (though you never know for sure, is it the real happiness that you need or just the emotion of gaining something), could be tears or even big angry of others..

when you feel, world is yours and everything's looked so beautiful because of feeling that you called as happiness that you've already defined (though you never know for sure, is it the one that you really looking for?), this time could be the hardest day of others, and black clouds only the things that they could see..

it never be a mistake if you just want to show the world that you are happy and want to enjoy those kind of lovable feelings after you chase them hardly, it never be a mistake, never..

all people in the world deserved to pursuit their own happiness in the way that they believe in, and enjoy it for gaining the maksimum utility of that feeling (though, we know for sure, nothing is endless and forever in this world, so in the long term we could face the diminishing utility of happiness because we also adapt with life day by day)

we live in complex world and live with complex people.
some people could feel the positive impacts of your happiness; giving you congratz, hugging you with love, and listening your happy story with big smile.
but, do you ever think that your happiness could gives the negative externalities for others? Your smile could be their tears, days that you called as your lovely days could be their bad days, and happiness that you defined even could they say as "suck feeling"..

in some cases, maybe it's not your mistakes if they got those negative impacts of your happiness, and they also have their own personal reason of getting that bad feeling.

just try to understand them and their feeling.. be wise and sympathy of them..
do something if it needed to make all problems clear and hope they also find their own happiness (so, the equality of happiness could be gained),,, and it's also okay for you to enjoy and maximize your utility of something that you called as HAPPINESS...


shamien said...

Intinya pareto optimum lah ya bu.. Tapi emang mekanisme dunia gt hep, you can't please everyone. No matter how god damn hard you try it..

Tapi setidaknya ketika lo gak bisa menghilangkan negative externalities akibat kebahagiaan lo, mungkin yang dibutuhkan hanya sedikit empati biar lo jadi peka dan gak menambah bad feeling orang2 yang terkena imbas eksternalitas tersebut.

Don't worry be happy, hap :)

Martha-Happy said...

justru mungkin gw sekarang berada dalam posisi sebagai victim dari negative externalities itu mien..
dan bukn hal yang tidak mungkin, suatau saat justru gw yang menciptakan negative externalities tadi..
dunia berputar kan ya..
jadi kalo suatu saat gw ngerasain kebahagiaan itu, gw mesti inget gimanaa rasanya pernah berada dalam posisi yang terkena dampak buruk dari kebahagiaan orang lain