Sunday, December 28, 2008

best silly thing

If pain must come may it come quickly because I have a life to live and I need to live it in the best possible way

If he has to make a choice maybe make it now then I will either wait for him or forget him

Waiting is painful, forgetting is painful,, but not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering..

(Beberapa penggal tulisan karya Paolo Coelho yang dikirimkan my lovely sis: Mpok Dina..)

Dan sebuah halaman yang aku lihat di tengah malam itu membuat aku berpikir…

Waiting is my silly but also my best decision it my way of love

Best, because I know, it leaves me hope for getting a piece of beautiful dream about him..

Silly, because I am waiting for uncertainty and for an answer that I never asked

And the decision for waiting is the worst part of my love story


Anonymous said...

bingung dia..pertanyaan yang tak pernah ditanyakan tetapi minta jawaban, paranormal kali ya ! hahaha
peace bu...
-Rifki Ilmayanto-

Martha-Happy said...

pengennya sih gw dapet jawab tanpa gw tanya, sayang orang itu sangat tidak peka,hehehe

Anonymous said...

ga peka ya..masa sih ?
uda di kasih sinyal belum. early warning system perlu dipake tuh..hehe
-rifki ilmayanto-

Anonymous said...

Uhm.. laki = kurang peka?? mungkin :D

Anonymous said...

Aku gak tahu kenapa google bisa mengarahkanku ke page ini, tapi kok kebetulan banget ya.. aku juga lagi ngerasain hal yg sama.
Dan lucunya, semoga aku gak sotoy, kayaknya orang yang kita "tunggu" punya hubungan yang dekat. I know who you are talking about in this "unreal love"..
Hhh..and I am doing the same thing.. waiting for his reply about my comment, keep looking at his "page" waiting for new status up-date, waiting for an answer about question I never ask, dont know what to choose-- forget it or wait for it--
Mau milih nunggu, gak yakin ada hasilnya
Mau milih ngelupain, gak bisa dan gak mau

Have u forgotten him? Can u tell me how you did that?

Martha-Happy said...

@anonymous: orang yang kita bicarakan punya hubungan dekat ya?hahaha...
gw setidaknya gak se-bodoh jaman dulu lagi.. cukup berpegang pada 1 pesan singkat dari sahabat gw, gw udah move on kok soal perasaan ini
"liberalize your heart and never let "him" monopolize it again"
so, just open your heart, because love is everywhere..hehehe